Review some of our frequently asked questions. Should you wish to have a question of yours answered and possibly submitted to our site, please contact us.

What is a roman candle?

A roman candle is a single tube of multiple colour pellets that eject into the sky when lit.

What is a roman candle cake?

A roman candle cake is a combination of individual roman candles that when ignited, perform a synchronised display.

How do you set these fireworks up to be lit?

Both types of roman candle fireworks are easy to use. For roman candle sticks simply force the bottom end into soil (or a bucket of sand) and make sure that it is securely standing upright. Then light the fuse and stand back. For roman candle cakes (it is recommended) to apply the same logic but give yourself extra space as these are more explosive than individual roman candles.

Are these fireworks safe for garden use?

Yes, provided you have got the recommended safety distance in your garden all of these types of products are perfectly fine for garden use.

Can you use roman candles at children’s fireworks parties?

Roman candles are a great firework for any display. They are mainly colour pellets that burst into the sky with little noise so children of all ages can appreciate them. Roman candle cakes on the other hand are slightly more explosive so be more cautious with the age of children watching these types of fireworks. Noise guidelines are available on our website.

Are roman candles and roman candle cakes waterproof?

To a certain extent yes, all fireworks are waterproof but only to withstand light rainfall. If your fireworks have been submerged in water then unfortunately they will not work.

What is the difference between a roman candle cake and a single ignition unit?

Not much really. In short, a roman candle cake is a collection of individual roman candles combined to perform a short fireworks display whereas a single ignition fireworks is a specially constructed firework made from special mixtures of gunpowder and more complex techniques to create a lengthy fireworks display closer to that of a professional fireworks display.

How safe are your fireworks?

We believe safety to be of the utmost importance. All our fireworks conform to British Safety Standards & European Regulations. They possess all relevant CE Marking and are licensed and approved by Trading Standards and the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), where appropriate.

Will you provide safety instruction?

Should you require information, yes we can. As a company safety is of utmost importance. Safety comes first! If you are not sure of any safety points please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help.